Speed Session-Thursday

Where: Meeting point..Start pole of Uni Loop..McKinnon parade opposite large apartments

When: Thursday mornings.. 6am SHARP

Session…..2.5 km warm up, 5 x 100 Mtr Run throughs
Followed by 5 Kms at Race pace over varying distances
Duration… 50 to 60 mins
All paces welcome

The aims of the group are to improve runners speed which will in time bring down their race times and enable runners to achieve some personal bests.


Class Trainers

Dean Elliott

Contact Leader 0423 235201

Upcoming Events

21 Jul 2024
08:00AM - 01:00PM
Yurrebilla 56K Ultra 2024 Training Run #2
28 Jul 2024
06:15AM - 12:30PM
Hills to Henley
18 Aug 2024
08:00AM - 01:00PM
Yurrebilla 56K Ultra 2024 Training Run #3

About Us

At the South Australian Road Runners Club (SARRC) it is our vision that everyone has the opportunity to run. We are inclusive and committed to welcoming you. SARRC was originally established in 1980 for people interested in running the Adelaide Marathon. The Adelaide Marathon is still our flagship event and is going strong after 40 years. We have grown from a local running group to the largest running group in South Australia.

Interested in joining? Check out the Membership info via the main menu.

SARRC Newsletter