Andrew Cassetti - President
Andrew Cassetti 2011

After weighing in at 131kgs in 2008, Andrew started a journey to regain his health and fitness. Over the next two years he lost over 45kgs and attributes much of that to running. Having completed his first marathon in 2011 (Adelaide), he travelled to New York as part of the Little Heroes Foundation team in November 2012 to run the New York Marathon. Although the event was cancelled, the team were able to volunteer some time toward the clean up effort. Andrew holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Mgmt and Mkting) from the University of Adelaide and has worked in the telecommunications industry since graduating in 2004.

Andrew O'Connor - Vice President

Andrew OConnor

Andrew went to a personal trainer (Chris Taylor)  in 2006 to lose weight and get fitter and on the advice of Chris started running. Andrew did the Greenbelt Half marathon in 2006, then joined the 8SSS running group in 2007 completing his first marathon after receiving mentoring from John and Carole Bennett, Kelvin Jeanes, Kym Williams and John Thwartes. His wife Martha is also a keen runner and well known to the Wednesday and Sunday running group. He is a mechanical engineer with an MBA and has worked in the Construction Industry for over 25 years.  As a runner he has done 9 marathons (6 Adelaide, 1 Barossa, 1 Melbourne and 1 London) and three ultras (all Yurrebilla) and had one DNF (Muscle meltdown Adelaide 2008). He has recently I’ve started doing triathlon’s having recently completed his first Murrayman in 2013.  

Peter Reimann - Treasurer

Dr Doug Kewley
Doug Kewley 2011

Doug "once a rocket scientist" spent over 30 years working in Science and Technology for Australian foreign intelligence and weapons research agencies. He was a senior executive with the Defence Science and Technology Organisation, having spent time in the past working in both the UK, USA and Germany. He left in Jan 2010.
He has been a member of the South Australian Road Runners club for 29 years. During this time he has completed 101 marathons, winning 5 outright. Having completed 26 Adelaide marathons (Legend 09) he hopes in the future to get to 30.. He has also run ultras with a 24hr PB of 186km and a 48hr PB of 303km in 2013. He is now aiming to do well in multi-day events (outright win in RSA) as well as Race Director for the Adelaide 6-day Event,..
He is currently the SARRC Saturday Morning speed session coach since  2008. During the past few years he has been concentrating on moving the club forward by development of real-time electronic timing, the mass email system, the race databases, the club email server, upgrading the club web sites and the new online event registration system.

Leanne Frederiksen

Leanne relocated from Melbourne to Adelaide to pursue a career with Santos as a Geophysicist in 2001. Finding it difficult to meet new people, she joined SA Road Runners in the hope of improving fitness and meeting likeminded folk. SARRC exceeded her expectations as she found a vast array of people who freely share their passion for running, friendship and fun! She’s since completed Paris and Pichi Richi Marathons, Yurrebilla and numerous half Marathons. Leanne has a BSc (Hons in Geophysics) and has worked as a Senior Engineer with Santos for the past 12 years. Leanne says “I believe running is one of the greatest untapped activities/pastimes in terms of benefit to the health and wellbeing of modern societies. Increasingly sedentary, many people struggle to find a lever to lift them into a healthier lifestyle and sense of wellbeing. SARRC has a highly valuable role to play in growing the club and bringing health and wellbeing to the general community as well as increasing the experience of existing membership by offering quality events and participation programmes.”

. Lorna Starrs
Lorna Starrs2012

Lorna has been a member of SARRC for approximately 7 - 8 years, after taking up running as a way to lose weight and keep fit. She's run numerous half-marathons, two full marathons, and this year undertook her first ultra-marathon when she tackled the Yurrebilla Trail.

Gregory Jenkins (Greg)
Greg Jenkins 2012

Greg took up running in 1998 and joined SARRC in 2011 after taking part in the informal Sunday trail runs. His preferred events are middle to long distance trail runs, and middle to marathon distance on the roads. His maximum event distance to late 2012 was the 56km of Yurrebilla, and his intention is to expand to greater distances.
His aims in SARRC are to demonstrate the enjoyment and benefits of running to others, and to ensure that the club grows in profile and respect as a well run and sustainable organisation with some events recognised to at least national level.
He is a geologist, a profession which until recent years involved much scrambling around remote and rough bush country, and which led to a great deal of respect for country and love of the bush. Being desk-bound for well over a decade created a need to get out into the bush again - fast (although not as fast as many) and on foot turned out to be the most healthy and enjoyable way to go.

Tory Toogood
Tory Toogood 2012

Tory began running in 2011 with the aim of completing the NY marathon for the Jodi Lee Foundation.  She met another runner who was aiming to run a marathon on each of the 7 continents, and has decided on the same goal herself with North America (NY), Asia (Great Wall marathon) and Australia (Adelaide) now complete.  She is a physio in private practice at Vital Core Physiotherapy, and member of Sports Medicine Australia and the Continence Foundation of Australia.  She loves being able to help people reach their health and fitness goals through her work, advocating a sensible approach to avoid injury, whilst still aiming high.  Tory was a member of the Australian Rowing Team 1991 - 1996, has lived and worked at the Australian Institute of Sport and worked and trained with the SA Sports Institute.

Heather Van Erp
Heather Van Erp 2012

I came to running later than most and my original goal was just to run 1km, then 5km, and if I can run 5km surely 10km is achievable? Once you have run 10km then the next 'logical' step has to be a ½ and then come the trail runs and people start saying the 'Yurrebilla' word.... Before I could stop myself my mouth had said yes and once the words were out, there was no turning back.....

A relatively new runner, 2012 has been a peak year for me, culminating in completing the Yurrebilla ultra... The formation of the Southern Running Group has been a big influence and support and helped push my running goals to places I never would have imagined.

I have made many friendships through running with SRG and SARRC and although I will never be a "fast" runner I have a special interest in encouraging other "not fast" runners to achieve what they did not think they were capable of (as I have).

I am a person who will have a go at most things, have a good sense of humour, an interesting and varied career, a very nice motorcycle, a very patient husband, two grown up kids, and 4 and a bit grandchildren, but please do not expect me to act my age.....

David Mitchell
D Mitchell 2012

I commenced regular running in 2005 when I participated in a SARRC Start running program. I went on to complete my first Half Marathon the following year. In 2011 I started trail running and completed the Yurrebilla 56k Ultra as well as my first Adelaide marathon and backed these up in 2012 and added the Heyson 105 Ultra.

I have previously assisted with the Start Running program in Goodwood and am now looking forward to co-ordinating a Start Runners program  in Christies Beach, in conjunction with the Southern Running group.

Upcoming Events

21 Jul 2024
08:00AM - 01:00PM
Yurrebilla 56K Ultra 2024 Training Run #2
28 Jul 2024
06:15AM - 12:30PM
Hills to Henley
18 Aug 2024
08:00AM - 01:00PM
Yurrebilla 56K Ultra 2024 Training Run #3

About Us

At the South Australian Road Runners Club (SARRC) it is our vision that everyone has the opportunity to run. We are inclusive and committed to welcoming you. SARRC was originally established in 1980 for people interested in running the Adelaide Marathon. The Adelaide Marathon is still our flagship event and is going strong after 40 years. We have grown from a local running group to the largest running group in South Australia.

Interested in joining? Check out the Membership info via the main menu.

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